how to join

Our members nurture one another in community and support U.S. and international projects and partners improving the lives of women, children and youth with their prayers, volunteer and advocacy efforts, and financial gifts.

Our members elect a representative board of directors that sets policy for the organization and determines the places we can make the most impact. Staff and members work to carry out the organization’s goals and expectations. Members commit through their financial giving to support the transformation of lives around the world.

Who can join United Women in Faith?

Any woman who commits herself to the purpose of United Women in Faith and to engage in mission, study, personal growth and social action can join. You don’t have to be United Methodist or meet an age requirement to be a member.

It’s easy to become a member of United Women in Faith:

You can talk to someone you know who is already a member, or if you don’t know a member, you may email us.